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Independent phenolic migration results conducted by the AWRI

commentary by Adam Eggins : Chief Winemaker Taylors Wines

2 Chlorophenol Threshold is 437 ng/L

2,4-dichlorophenol Threshold is 739 +

For both Red Oaker Vessels and Barrels all these products came back as Not Detected:

What does all this mean?

Generally there is nothing being imparted from Red Oaker over Barrels of any concern.

Possibly the oak additive we used in the Red Oaker imparts more 2,4-dichlorophenol as the rates rose from Trace to 311 ng/L going from half rate to full rate?

Or Red wines contain more 2,4-dicholorphenol than white wines.

Again with 2 Chlorophenol Red wines seem to pack more than whites yet not to the magnitude.

What is clear:

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